Exploring the Food on our doorstep: Foraging in the Gower

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Meddygaeth, Iechyd a Gwyddor Bywyd - Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Science

This event is part of the Festival of Social Science series

From: 27 Oct 2024, 10:30 a.m.
To: 27 Oct 2024, 2 p.m.
Location: Gower Heritage Centre, Other

Food and spending time in nature both contribute to our health and wellbeing, especially when enjoyed as a shared experience. Join us for a group foraging activity that will introduce you to the world of edible plants in the Gower. During an immersive nature walk to Three Cliffs Bay we will collect local, seasonal and wild ingredients before returning to the Gower Heritage Centre where we will make a delicious group meal over an open fire. Fully funded transport is available from Swansea bus station (return trip). Parking and other facilities available at the Heritage centre throughout the activity.

Foraging by Gower Unearthed will provide a safe space for local people to come together to spend time in nature, understand the plants around them and how to collaboratively cook nutritious meals from the items foraged.

(Email: iaa@swansea.ac.uk)
Event created by: m.v.de-la-haye